Job termination letter due to frequent unauthorized absence

The letter serves as a job termination notice for an employee. It is explained how he/she was counseled earlier about his/her non-approvable behavior in the company and was given time to make the necessary changes. But since he/she has continued with the same old habit, you have no option but to truncate his/her job.
Ms. Mandira Singh
Manager HRD & Admin
Diamond Technologies Ltd
29th January, 2010
Mr Raj Makhanwala
Administrative Executive
Dear Mr Raj,
Sub: Termination of Services.
Ref:  Our Letter No 1/Warning/ dated 20-10-2009.
As per the details in the above stated letter, you were offered an opportunity to be counseled by your HOD to clarify that your frequent unauthorized absence from duty is not encouraged in our work environment. But despite the warning and a fair chance to mend your ways, there has been no change in your habit of taking leaves without prior approval/intimation.
We are sorry to inform you that your services at Diamond Technologies Pvt. Ltd. have been terminated on the account of previously stated reasons. This comes to effect on 15thFebruary 2010(AN).
Thank you for your association with us. Wish you good luck for you future projects.
Yours sincerely,
Mandira Singh
Copy to:-
Accounts Dept

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Related : Job termination letter due to frequent unauthorized absence