Letter requesting promotion for working at higher level


Use this letter template to request a promotion when you have been performing the job responsibilities of a higher position. To justify the promotion, the letter lists the responsibilities you have taken on and your accomplishments beyond your current job description.

[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

[Recipient Name]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient Name]:

I am writing to request a promotion. My responsibilities have grown significantly since I was hired [number] years ago, and I believe that this fact and the quality of my work warrant a raise.
My current position is [current job title]; however, for the last year I have been performing all of the duties of a [job title you are requesting]without having the job title or, of course, being paid commensurate with it. My responsibilities and achievements that call for a promotion include:
·         [Responsibility or achievement exceeding your current position]
·         [Responsibility or achievement exceeding your current position]
·         [Responsibility or achievement exceeding your current position]
·         [Responsibility or achievement exceeding your current position]
Based on the feedback that I have received, I believe that you and your manager think I have been performing excellently the duties of this higher position. I expect that you will give my request all due consideration as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing from you.

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Related : Letter requesting promotion for working at higher level